- 41st year of experience as a progressive and dynamic education and lifestyle-based Doctor of Chiropractic
- More than 100,000 hours of clinical client contact
- Professionally seen over 25,000 people
- Delivered in excess of 1,800 presentations,
- Founder Melbourne Wellness Alliance
- Founder WIN Women of Influence Network
- Co-Developer WISE Living Practices for Busy Professionals
- Many years experience coaching and mentoring Chiropractic students and doctors toward successful communication and practice
- Seminar innovator and presenter to professional and corporate organisations
- Wellness Chiropractic innovator and advocate
- Featured Speaker (approximately 11,000 attendees) Parker Seminars Las Vegas USA
- Keynote Speaker Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (Victoria) AGMs
- Featured Conference Speaker Chiropractors’ Association Australia (National) AGM
- Regular segment on Radio 3AK
- Guest on Radio 3LO and repeat guest on 3AW with Derryn Hinch and Ernie Sigley
- Featured on television current affairs programs on Children’ Health and Asthma, the Southern Football Show, Denise Drysdale Show, Rhonda Sharrat Midday Show
- Examiner for clinical proficiency for final year Chiropractic students at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
- Vast and varied experience enthusiastically communicating in a variety of formats to groups of all sizes, in mixed media including live and recorded- television and radio, print media, and live seminar and public event presentations
- Author of various published articles about Chiropractic and healthier living strategies
- Political activities via Chiropractic associations, Chiropractic schools, as well as with Chiropractic leaders and organisations
- Commissioned the world’s largest reproduction of human vertebrae, with simulated live nerves and audio messages outside his Melbourne centre for Chiropractic’s centenary 1995
- Australian Surface Electromyographic Scanning pioneer 1994
- First practice in Australia to install Summit Chirotech high-frequency low-dose full spine x-ray system 1996