chiropractic Melbourne
How to Choose a Chiropractor

New Client Options

Thank you for your interest in making an appointment with Diskin Life.

Before making your appointment, please review the questions below to see if your needs and our service are a match…

  • Sick and tired of being sick and tired?
  • Had enough of recurring cycles of pain, stress and fatigue?
  • Frustrated with short-term patch-up?
  • Unhappy with having your parts and conditions treated separately in isolation?
  • Looking for passionate and caring professionals with many years experience?
  • Interested in a sustainable and comprehensive whole-person approach?
  • Want to identify and be able to address the underlying causes?
  • Prefer a gentle approach- without manipulation, forced cracking or popping?
  • Curious to learn how you can help yourself?

If you answered YES to most of these, we may be able to help you.

Please select from the two options below to arrange your appointment.  Alternatively, please contact our centre on (03) 9417 7222

Discovery Session

Before you commit to our two hour assessment, we want to be sure you are in the right place.

We will meet with you at no charge or obligation, for you to “check us out” in person, answer your questions, and for us to determine if we may be a likely match for what you are seeking.

This visit will include completing a short questionnaire, and a private consultation with Dr. Diskin for up to 10 minutes.

Please allow 20 minutes for this visit.

Discovery Session

chiropractic care Melbourne

New Client Life Assessment

This assessment takes up to two hours over two separate visits.

The first one-hour visit is to discuss your history, concerns, and goals, then perform a series of special tests, to establish where you are health-wise, beyond just how you feel.

The second one hour visit, we will discuss your results and recommendations; including what we found, what it all means, and answer all your questions.

New Client Life Assessment

Chiro Consultation - New Client