Integrative Chiropractic Melbourne
Wellness chiro Melbourne
Integrative Chiropractic

Integrative Chiropractic

Gentle Brain-based Nerve System Adjustments to synchronize, retrain and re-program

  • Reorganizing to create new pathways, patterns and outcomes
  • Enables greater awareness, coherence and neurological strategies
  • Provides new options to access inner wisdom and enhance adaptability to stresses of life
  • To be more active, energetic, happy, alive and connected

Integrative Chiropractic at Diskin Life considers a broad range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental influences that affect a person’s health; combined with a Network Care, a gentle and powerful reorganizational Chiropractic approach to health optimization.

  • Our Integrative Chiropractic approach focuses on changing the underlying patterns in your nerve system, as opposed to trying to put you back to your previous (likely less than optimal) state.
  • Through a series of specific gentle Brain-based “Nerve System Adjustments”, which are literally “light touch” contacts on your spine, we call “Upgrade Care” sessions, the brain can be cued and engaged.
  • This initiates a series of responses to synchronize, retrain and reprogram, the recurring cyclical patterns of pain, stress, fatigue and frustration.
  • The objective is to help you “tune-in” to your body, so it may upgrade, and create new options to enhance adaptability to the stresses of life- and thrive.
  • As a gentle tonal approach, there is no forced popping, cracking and certainly no manipulation of the spine.
  • Initial responses often include a sense of calm, reduction in body and mind tension and some increased awareness of how your body is actually performing, (which may at times be temporarily uncomfortable), like beginning a new exercise or a responding from a deep healing session.
  • After completing the initial series of sessions, you will have a progress assessment, which includes a review of your perceived changes, as well as measurable comparative objective findings from your previous assessment, and a discussion of where to from there.
Chiropractor Melbourne

Why Upgrade

Why Upgrade


Chiro - Healthcare

  • Much of ‘healthcare’ seems to be focused on ‘restoring’.
  • If you ‘restore’, (like rebooting your computer), you continue to use your current programming or revert back to what you had.
  • Isn’t it reasonable to expect those same patterns will bring you back again full-circle to where you are now, instead of the new version of you that you want to be?
  • Who doesn’t want to be Upgraded? You upgrade your software, your devices, your travel, so why not upgrade your health, wellness and quality of life!


Change or Repeat the Past

Change or Repeat the Past

  • It’s no surprise to realise life’s accumulated ups-and-downs take their toll on your body and are contributing to your current state of health.
  • Your responses to many life experiences have, through a cycle of repetition and reinforcement, caused the build-up of physical, emotional, mental and chemical stresses and traumas in your body and life.
  • Without changing the way you respond to events and circumstances, it is likely that those same repeated and cyclical patterns and behaviours will take you right back to where you started and continue to prevent you from living the life you deserve.
  • In other words, if your choices and behaviours don’t change, it’s not reasonable to expect anything other than the same outcomes.
  • In order for you to unlock the potential and vitality inside you, the body’s programmed responses need to be changed, or upgraded as we prefer to call it.
  • We believe it makes much more sense to upgrade you to a new, better way of living, where you reap the benefits, rather than to restore your life back to how it used to be and allow the same stresses to build up inside you yet again.

Innate Intelligence Seeks Adaptability

Innate Intelligence Seeks Adaptability

  • Our contemporary system’s focus is on helping you make what you have work better, rather than trying to “fix” or “take away” a “problem”.
  • Your innate intelligence will help you to listen to and understand your body’s warning signals (symptoms) rather than to “relieve” them.
  • This helps you to adapt the way you manage everyday stress.
  • By developing new, sustainable strategies, you can respond to stress with more ease and grace, instead of returning to your old patterns and holding the tension in your body – a practice that restricts your physical, mental and emotional performance.
  • This process, while not a “pain relief” system, is remarkably effective at helping many feel better amazingly fast.
  • Network Care sessions are designed to elicit enhanced communication between your brain and body.
  • As you meet particular milestones, so care advances. As you progress through this process, you are expected to gain health enhancing benefits that will improve the quality of your life for the long term.

Ultimately, we want you to feel better, be better and live better.
