21 Oct Why understanding epigenetics can improve your health
Why understanding epigenetics can improve your health
We are all born with a certain set of genes that determine our characteristics – things like height, eye colour, and susceptibility to diseases. But what about the environment we live in? How does it affect our genes? This is where epigenetics comes in. Epigenetics is the study of how environmental factors can change the way our genes are expressed. In other words, it is the science of how our lifestyle choices can influence our health. Read on as we explore how understanding this field of study better can improve our wellbeing and quality of life!
Epigenetics influences how we think about our health
Today, epigenetics is providing novel insights into how our lifestyle choices can impact our health. For example, epigenetic changes have been linked to smoking, alcohol consumption, and even stress. These findings are leading to a new understanding of how our environment can influence our genes and, ultimately, our health.
So what does this mean for you and me? Simply put, epigenetics is a reminder that we have the power to influence our health – for better or for worse. By understanding how it works, we can make more informed choices about our lifestyle and health.
It may improve our wellbeing and quality of life
If epigenetics is the study of how our environment can influence our genes, then it stands to reason that it can also help us improve our health. After all, if we know what factors can cause these changes, we can make lifestyle choices that minimise those risks. In other words, epigenetics gives us the power to take control of our health – something that we should all be striving for.
So next time you’re thinking about your health, remember epigenetics. It just might be the key to a healthier, happier life.
Epigenetics is showing us that certain genes can be turned “on” or “off”
This area of science is also giving us a better understanding of how genes are expressed. We now know that certain genes can be turned “on” or “off” in response to environmental factors. This knowledge is helping us to develop new ways to try prevent and treat diseases, including conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
It’s changing how we approach pregnancy and infant health
Finally, epigenetics is also changing the way we think about pregnancy and infant health. We now know that these changes can occur during pregnancy and that they can have a lasting impact on the health of both the mother and child. This is leading to new ways of preventing and treating pregnancy complications, and to a better understanding of the long-term health of both mother and child.
It also demonstrates that the health of an unborn child also very much depends on their father’s diet, trauma, experiences, exposure to toxins and other factors.
It’s influencing how we think about raising children
Epigenetics shows that it’s not just a child’s DNA that determines their health, but also the kind of environment the child is brought up in. The latter can actually trigger certain epigenetic changes that influence how children react to stress. This knowledge is changing the way we think about raising children and could have a major impact on public health in the future.
Epigenetics is changing the way we approach health and wellness – are you ready?
As you can see, epigenetics is a rapidly evolving field with implications for our health, wellbeing, and quality of life. Are you ready to embrace it? If not, now is the time to get on board. The future of health and wellness is epigenetics – and it’s happening now. If you want to make this field of study part of your approach to greater wellbeing, consider Chiropractic care. It is a holistic approach to health that takes epigenetics into account. This form of care recognises that our genes are not our destiny – and that we have the power to influence our epigenetic code.
To find out more, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr Ari Diskin today.