Why and How Your Mind Matters

Why and How Your Mind Matters


We live in such an outward world. Our senses are trained, by our societal cultural upbringing, to focus much of our attention toward life outside of us. We have little impact on this outside world, yet we respond and react to it with more of our resources than to our inner world. This inner world is all the parts of our body we don’t usually see or feel, and this includes our minds.

active-brain[1]What is the mind?
The ‘mind’ has been defined as the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. Whatever its relation to the physical body, it is generally agreed that mind is that which enables a being to have subjective awareness and intentionality towards their environment, to perceive and respond to stimuli with some kind of agency, and to have consciousness, including thinking and feeling.

What does the mind have to do with the Diskin Life approach?
Our aim is to help you achieve optimum health. Over 30 years I have developed a unique whole-person approach which incorporates two categories of responsibility, being professional care and self-care. The professional care includes the services we provide, to assess you, guide you and provide our specific interventions for which we are uniquely qualified and cannot do to or for yourself. The other category is self care, which involves how you take care of yourself, being your lifestyle. We help you by guiding you why and how to move better, eat better and think better. When optimally incorporated, these components collectively become more effective than their values when applied independently on their own. The think better component is obviously the one that involves the care of the mind.

What are signs your mind is negatively impacting you?
We obviously can’t see our minds, like we may be able to see our skin or teeth to know they require attention. The two ways to be alerted our minds need attention are typically by paying attention to how we think and how we feel (emotionally). An interrupted or impaired mental thought power may be by noticing a change in your usual ability to focus, make decisions, communicate effectively or even notice a lapse in your memory. Emotional or feeling changes, such as unusual moods, emotions or attitudes could also be signs of your mind needs attention too.
How can you improve your stress levels/response to stress (home & work).

5 simple ways to improve your mind health
Just because it’s not a physical entity you can see and hold, doesn’t negate its existence or value. Just like you take time to clean your teeth and keep the muscles you can see and feel toned; you need to care for your mind with these powerful practices.
1. Meditation can clear and free your mind.
2. Plan your day, week, year and life.. (You can always change your plans, if necessary, should you change your ‘mind’).
3. Express yourself, by laughing, crying and experience your authentic range of emotions, instead of holding it pent up inside.
4. Breathe to stay alive and breathe mindfully to enhance your minds capacity to perform optimally.
5. Practice mindfulness by being focused on the present.
Since your perceive your world through your sensory nerve system; See your Doctor of Chiropractic to keep your nerve system optimally synchronised and tuned- for peace of mind.

Dr. Ari Diskin is a US trained Healthy Life Doctor of Chiropractic, with over 30 years professional experience, having cared for over 10,000 people.  He uses Network Care as part of his 3 Step Vitality Program, in Melbourne Australia.

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