When you’re in a public place, look around: How many people are hunching over a phone? Technology is transforming how we hold ourselves, contorting our bodies and potentially ruining our health, not to mention how you look and what your body language is saying (to...

We all experience stress in various ways on a daily basis, and it is easy to take it for granted that certain stresses are an unavoidable part of life....

What is energy? Energy itself is not tangible, which means it is often misunderstood and undervalued.  As with ‘breath’ and ‘love’, you cannot “see” energy, though it is just as important. The lower your energy state, the more you live in reaction to what life appears to throw...

Do suffer from a lack of energy? Are you lethargic? Do you run out of steam before you run out of day? Are you struggling to stay awake without fading?...